Dawkins is a leading player in the fields of:
- Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (now known as CRAR under the New Law)
- High Court Writs
- Forfeiture by Peaceable Re-entry
- Securing Against Unlawful Occupation
- Debt Recovery
- Security
We provide a nationwide service. We maintain full insurance cover. Our clients range from Major Landlords, Solicitors, Property Companies and Managing Agents to individual Landlords with a single property and the wide spectrum of owners and advisers who fall in between.
CRAR (Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery)
The Common Law Right of Distress was abolished on the 6th April 2014 and a new regime, CRAR, introduced by the Tribunals Courts & Enforcement Act 2007 and regulations made thereunder.
The fundamental changes are that premises must be purely commercial. Rent cannot include insurance or service charges etc. The new requirement is to give a Seven-Day Notice of Enforcement to the tenant before further action. This notice must be given by the Enforcement Agent.
Dawkins will guide you through these changes and ensure your rent is collected as efficiently and professionally as possible.
High Court Writs – HCEO.com
We have joined with a High Court authorised person to enable us to collect rents and repossess property for those that have gone down the County Court and High Court route. Any queries, please contact Jon Dawkins on 0208 661 0210.
If you have a County Court Judgement (CCJ) or Order of Possession that is less than 6 years old and is above £600, you can transfer your case up to the authorised High Court Enforcement. This will allow us to instruct certified Enforcement Agent, who is under the supervision of a High Court Enforcement Officer, to execute the High Court Writ to recover the money owed or Writ of Possession.
If the debtor fails to settle the amount due and has goods which can be sold at...
Clarification On VAT Charges For Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) & High Court Writs
HMRC have clarified the position with regards to VAT charges on Commercial Rent Arrears (CRAR). As the fees are a business service, VAT is charged at 20%.
The fees will still be payable by the tenant; however, the VAT must be paid by the landlord as they have requested the service. We will therefore have to invoice the landlord or managing agent for the 20% VAT charge on the total amount of fees paid by the debtor.
This VAT will be recoverable by VAT registered companies. Managing Agents should make sure that their landlords are aware of this change. This will also apply for any disbursements, such as storage and auction fees, with the tenant paying for...
Forfeiture by Peaceable Re-entry
Most commercial leases contain forfeiture rights involving peaceable re-entry. Dawkins Civil Enforcement Agents will attend with a locksmith, peaceably re-enter, change the locks and post notices of termination. An inventory and photographs will be provided for your records.
Securing against Unlawful Occupation
A similar procedure to peaceable re-entry, which is undertaken when the occupant has no security of tenure or right to be there and is effectively a trespasser.
Debt Recovery
For other payments such as service charge, insurance, etc, where we cannot use CRAR and cannot enforce, we are still prepared to assist in their recovery by traditional debt collection methods.
Removal Supervision
We also undertake removal supervision on behalf of Landlords.
We are pleased to announce that we now offer post re-entry security guard services and dog handlers. Our experienced and professional security personnel are trained to handle the unique challenges and requirements associated with re-entry points, ensuring the safety and security of your premises. We provide security for High Court evictions, both for commercial and residential properties.
We have noticed the increase in cases where former tenants break back into the property. In some instances, the police may treat this as a criminal offense, such as "breaking and entering" or "criminal damage."
However, we are increasingly encountering situations where the police classify the issue as a civil matter...
Instruct us online
Use the forms below to instruct Dawkins Enforcement Agents now:

Get in touch
For queries or comments please contact us below or send us your details and we will contact youTelephone: 020 8661 0210
Email: info@dawkins.co.uk